International consultant
Armed conflicts and peace processes
- Analyst of armed conflicts and organized violence and a negotiation and mediation specialist for resolving armed conflicts.
- Non-Resident Fellow of the Center for the Comparative Study of Civil War (CCSCW, 2022-2023).
- Advisor and member of the Board of Directors of the Institute for Studies on Conflicts and Humanitarian Action (IECAH).
- Advisor to governments and international institutions on matters of mediation in international conflicts.
What policies will Donald Trump adopt towards Latin America in his second presidency?
His campaign promises included mass deportation, increasing import tariffs, and action to curb Chinese engagement in the region.
By @AguirreErnst
What to expect from #Trump 2.0’s policies on Latin America: https://conta.cc/3OOPgTS The Newsletter 19 of @RedSeg_Regional is out. US and Latin America, geopolitical change and the #GlobalSouth, new ideas on organized crime, and much more. @fundacionFESCOL
Ya disponible el Newsletter 19 de la @RedSeg_Regional #Trump 2.0 y América Latina, cambio geopolítico y #SurGlobal, ideas audaces sobre #crimenorganizado y mucho más. @fundacionFESCOL
Las organizaciones de la sociedad civil deberán evaluar sus estrategias de incidencia y adaptarse a un número cada vez mayor de gobiernos con tendencias autoritarias en todo el mundo, que operan con el mismo manual.
Por @meyermc

Expert in mediation, negotiation, and conflict resolution with experience in Track I and Track II mediation processes in armed and socio-political conflicts. Articulation with crucial actors in peace and conflict scenarios. Advisor to different governments and international institutions on mediation and conflict resolution issues.
Mabel has developed her career through a series of positions related to peace and security: trends in armed conflict and organized violence; illicit economies and violence; mediation, conflict resolution and peacebuilding.
Currently, she advises various governments and international institutions on matters of mediation, conflict resolution, and peacebuilding. She is a Non-Resident Fellow at the Center for the Comparative Study of Civil War (CCSCW, 2022-2023). She also advises and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Institute for Studies on Conflicts and Humanitarian Action (IECAH). Mabel is a visiting professor of geopolitics, trends in armed conflicts and organized violence, conflict analysis, mediation, and peacebuilding (Postgraduate courses in Spain and abroad).
From 2016 to 2021 Mabel was a Senior Advisor of the Norwegian Centre for Conflict Resolution (NOREF), providing specialized support to Track I and Track II dialogue initiatives in Venezuela. She was a member of the Norwegian MFA facilitation team for the dialogue processes in Oslo-Barbados (2019) and during the road to Mexico (2021).
In 2015 she was a Fellow of the Global South Unit for Mediation (Brazil) and has worked with Doctors without Borders, the Netherlands Institute for Southern Africa, and Greenpeace, among others.
In 2022 she was selected to attend the Peace Mediation Course (PMC) of the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs (FDFA).
Among other distinctions, she was a 2008 German Marshall Fellow of the US, and in 2012 she completed the MLitt in Terrorism Studies at the University of St Andrews with final distinction. In 2015, she completed the Fletcher Summer Institute for the Advanced Study of Nonviolent Conflict (Tufts University).

Since 2001, guest lecturer in doctoral and postgraduate studies on international security and geopolitics, armed conflicts, mediation and conflict resolution, and peacebuilding. She also delivers university lectures on conflicts, peacebuilding, and geopolitical challenges in the MENA region and Latin America.
- Diplomatic School (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
- Alice Salomon University (ASH Berlin)
- Jaume I University
- SEIPAZ Foundation
- School for a Culture of Pau
- Autonomous University of Madrid
- University of Granada
- Institute for Conflict Resolution, UCLM
- Ortega Marañón Foundation
- Complutense University of Madrid
- Pontifical University of Comillas
- International University of Andalusia
- International University of La Rioja
- International University of Valencia (VIU)
- REACT Course (Rapid Expert Assistance and Cooperation for Conflict Prevention, Crisis Management, and Post-Conflict Rehabilitation)

Mabel has provided analysis and advice for political decision-making in mediation processes, conflict analysis, process design, and negotiation. She has extensive experience in process design, facilitation, advisory services, capacity building, and policy development/research, and a proven ability to deal with a diverse range of stakeholders in different settings including conflict parties, civil society, diplomats, and government officials.
European External Action Service – EEAS (2024)
CEPPS | Consortium for Elections & Political Process Strengthening – IRI & NDI (2022-2024)
Chatham House (2024)
Berghof Foundation (2023)
Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, España (2022)
Navanti Group (2021-2022)
Norwegian Refugee Council (2016)
NOREF (2014-2016)
Wikistrat (2013-2016)
The Netherlands Institute for Southern Africa (2004-2005)


Round Table: From preventive diplomacy to post-war reconstruction
Round Table organized by IECAH and La Casa Encendida: From preventive diplomacy to post-war reconstruction | June 10, 2022

Publications (selection)

The ban on cluster bombs
Deusto Human Rights, University of Deusto, Bilbao, 2009

Is mediation with criminal groups possible?
Peace in Construction (El País), March 14, 2016

Mediation with Non-Conventional Armed Groups? Experiences from Latin America
BPC Policy Brief, V. VI, no. 1, BRICS Policy Centre, Brazil

Two months for peace in Colombia?
In Global, February 9th, 2016

A sense of déjà vu: Illegal Drugs in West Africa and the Sahel
The Broker, 28 January 2015

Violence and illegal economies: Old answers for new challenges?
Peace in Construction (El País), 18 March 2014